4 Tips for a More Sustainable Property Management Office

Sustainability is an investment today in order to reap the benefits tomorrow. There are many ways that property management offices can become sustainable, and many ways that properties themselves can become sustainable. Let’s start with the office. (I’ll cover the property in a future article.)
Where do you begin? You’ve made a commitment to become more sustainable, but what are some of the most important things that can be easily implemented today in order to reap the benefits in the future?

Here are just a few suggestions:

Running Criminal Background Checks on Prospective Tenants

One of the most difficult problems a property manager can face is the incidence of crime on the properties they manage. While there is no full proof system for eliminating all crime, proper screening procedures can go a long way to ensuring that those with a criminal or sex offender background are not inadvertently approved during the application process. While most property managers and staff are diligent in processing credit and employment checks, not all properties have jumped on board with the idea of running a criminal background check on potential tenants.

Here are a few pointers on running background checks and what is important.


Do You Screen Your Contractors?

While many property management companies have a maintenance staff that is able to handle most tasks, there will likely be a time when a job will need to be outsourced to an outside contractor. While most property managers carefully screen job applicants when making hiring decisions to ward off possible issues, and carefully screen renters before leasing an apartment to them, are you being that careful when choosing a contractor to perform services on your properties? Finding an honest, reliable contractor is no easy task – but the property manager must be conscious of the vulnerability of their renters, and the legal ramifications of allowing an untrustworthy contractor to have access to renters and their belongings.

Here are a few steps to make sure you follow when you hire a contractor

Click here for the article

6 Keys to Successful Property Management

As a property manager, do you ever feel stuck in the mundane routine of your weekly responsibilities? Are you overwhelmed by the magnitude of the responsibilities that define your important career?
If you answered yes to both or either question, don’t feel alone.

Read this article below for some great tips on how to help with these problems.

Click here for article

The Move-In Workshop

ROA is hosting a second workshop this month on January 27th from 12pm-2pm and the topic of this workshop is The Move In Workshop.

The cost of this workshop is $40 for members and $45 for non members and lunch is provided.

Pre-registration is required so please fill out the form attached and contact ROA today.